The Last Couple Weeks at BCL HQ


We’ve spent the last couple of weeks settling into our new headquarters, working on applications and ideas for the fall and winter. We’ve also cleared our consultancy out of the downtown space, seeing as Visual Fringe is over and it was high on the to-do list. Having a dedicated space has been incredible so far, and all we’ve done is basically set up some tables and go over some paperwork.

Needless to say that come September, with more people back in town and our schedules better aligned. our new space is going to be even more amazing.

So, as most of what we’ve been doing is somewhat scattered and in numerous Word and Excel documents and in the mail and on someone else’s desk, here’s a brief overview of our activities as of late.

make things happen

The LED sign back in the office. Pulling it out of storage and momentarily placing it on the desk, we need to find some wall space or some window ledge space for its more permanent home.

Josh at his car

Josh parking next door. The second Ecohouse pictured above is going to house a number of other community groups, the first to move in will be OPIRG.


Michelle reading diligently.


Our cactus—a gift from Lucy.


Josh gesturing to the kitchen.


The clock from Josh.

corner of the room

The empty bookshelf.

Michelle and Danielle

Michelle and Danielle work through a gallery application.

Josh, Michelle, and Danielle

Josh, Michelle, and Danielle brainstorming for a gallery application.

Michelle battling magnets

Michelle battling rare-earth magnets.


A start to our wall of notes.

Michelle in the lot

The lot next door.

from the alley

From the alley, a view of our fence.


The mess of cables that indicate the neighbouring student rentals.

Justin writing

Writing ideas for the grant.


My notes.

Michelle typing

Michelle typing her ideas.

computer screen

Potentials for a grant application.

The remainder of August may be a little more irregular than the rest of summer, in terms of actually finding time to get things in place for September. However, we’re planning a lot of things for the fall with enough advanced warning that hopefully we can get together a functioning schedule for activities and Office Hours.