The Pink Fence

The Pink Fence in Detroit

PowerHouse over in Detroit has started a blog! This is great, as I had previously wondered about the timeline of their activities, being able to read a blog really helps to contextualize their progress. Rather than trying to recount the story behind this pink fence in my own words, I’ll give you a brief quote from their blog:

“Anyway one day I mixed up some pink paint and employed two neighborhood theives to help me paint the fence.  The house that the fence belongs to had gone vacant in another foreclosure and was slowly being taken apart.  My two painters were not  unlike many in the neighborhood that were taking advantage of the foreclosures, in fact they had taken advantage of this very house on occasion.  So I set them  up with brushes and rollers and paint and we went at it.” (pinkfence)

Head over to their blog, add it to your RSS reader, and keep an eye out, I think there’s going to be a lot of interesting things coming out of there.