Meet, Greet, & Eat with local and visiting Neighbourhood Spaces (NS) Artists-in-Residence
Friday, August 9th from 7 – 9PM, as part of Windsor’s Downtown Culture Crawl @ Civic Space (411 Pelissier Street, Windsor, Ontario)
You are invited to meet five of the ten artists selected for Neighbourhood Spaces (NS), Windsor & Region’s new socially-engaged artist residency program. Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), NS is a partnership between Broken City Lab (BCL), Arts Council Windsor & Region (ACWR) and the City of Windsor. Stop in Broken City Lab’s CIVIC SPACE, enjoy a bite to eat and learn about the artists, their residency projects and the NS Program.
NS Artists in Attendance:
Arturo Herrera (Windsor, ON) @ Migrant Workers Community Program, Leamington
Ariana Jacob (Portland, OR) @ Unemployed Help Center & Tecumseh Mall (select dates)
Lisa Lipton (Halifax, NS) @ Atkinson Skate Park
Kenneth MacLeod (Windsor, ON) @ Sandwich Teen Action Group & Windsor Youth Centre
Dan McCafferty (Windsor, ON) @ Ford City Neighbourhood
Food and light refreshments will be provided and Arturo Herrera will be making his famous handmade tortillas.
To learn more about Neighbourhood Spaces (NS), the artists and their projects, visit: or Follo
Neighbourhood Spaces: Windsor & Region Artist in Residence Program
o. 519-252-2787