Camille Turner

Camille Head Shot

Camille Turner (Toronto, ON) is the founder of Outerregion, a performance company creating intercultural experiences that disrupt the expected and engage the public in unusual ways; and co-founder of Year Zero One, a digital media organization. She has presented interventions, installations and public engagements throughout Canada, and internationally. Her most recent work brings hidden and erased histories and geographies to life through participatory events and locative media. HUSH HARBOUR, a sonic walk animates historic Toronto’s Black geographies. TXTilecity, a collaboration with Year Zero One and produced by the Textile Museum of Canada maps the city of Toronto through its textile histories.

NS Residency: October 2013 

The Afronautic Research Council, a project of Outerregion, is an investigation of African histories world-wide. Place by place, the Afronauts, joined by locals, uncover evidence of the Black past. During her NS artist residency, Camille and the Afronauts investigate the François Bâby House in Windsor. Once owned by the Bâbys, members of the family compact, a group of powerful elites who ruled Upper Canada in the early 1800’s, the house is now the site of Windsor’s Community museum. The Bâbys, like many of their class, were slave owners. Historians, archivists and citizen researchers interested in public memory, are invited to join the Afronauts in recovering the story of enslaved people from the landscape of forgetting. Outerregion will use the information gleaned to create a sonic portal enabling travelers to step back in time where stories are alive, experiential and in the present.

Learn more about Camille’s work at:


Members of the Afronautic Research Council, Outrregion