Urban Camping

Architecture firm, Import Export, came up with a structure specifically designed for urban camping. The mobile architecture is meant to be dropped into urban spaces to provide new opportunities for for overnight city experiences. There are a lot more photos that do the project better justice. Long ago, we talked about urban camping, but we …

Gardens and Planters

Another cold, rainy Tuesday for Office Hours, but we were inside imagining spring. We pushed ahead on doing some more research and development on the planters, started a plant list and design ideas for the community garden, and got closer to finalizing the list of submissions from Text In-Transit.

Planning for Spring

Despite the snow, the lethargy onset by exam schedules and year-end assignments, and a few core BCL folk leaving town for the summer, we had a great and productive meeting. We started going through the Text In-Transit submissions, continued working on our magnetic planters, worked on our Rhizome commission, brainstormed the idea of a book, …

Office Hours

Broken City Lab office hours on Tuesday, March 10, at 7pm, LeBel, room 125. Fresh off a week in the gallery, a conference in Victoria, and realizing a campus just needs some wildlife to make it better, this week’s office hours should be awesome. Sorry the post is late!